Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Sophie is now 10 months old! We had a busy and fun Memorial Day Weekend. On Friday, we had a full house, with Britani, Adam, Corey, Carrie and Carter staying at our place. Early Saturday morning, the McMillans and the Hansons headed up to Bemidji for the long weekend.

Our course, we had to take a family picture with Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. The weather was nice and sunny all weekend.

Here's Dad and Sophie sitting at the dining table.

Sophie and Dad playing with books, stacking cups and balls.

We visited a few parks over the weekend. Sophie loves to swing!

Friday, May 15, 2009

9.5 months old

So what have we been up to lately? Well, let's see, in the beginning of May, we participated in the Animal Humane Society Walk for Animals. This was our 5th year walking and raising funds. We were joined by Melissa, Chance (white boxer), Jennie, Chris and Jerry. Sophie enjoyed the 5-mile ride in her stroller and looking at all of the animals.

The day after the walk, we met up with Veronica at our favorite breakfast spot in town, the Good Day Cafe. Interestingly, the three of us were wearing shades of grey and standing in height order. Veronica remarked that the picture looks like an AT&T ad- "More Bars in More Places".

Last week, we met up with Tyler and Jess for apps and drinks. They are expecting a baby in October and we can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. Congratulations Ty and Jess! You guys are going to make great parents.

I took Sophie to the park and she loved the baby swing! The weather has been great and we have been enjoying the sunshine.

Sophie is getting good at feeding herself and has been eating more finger foods like peas, pasta and Cheerios. She enjoys eating almost everything that we feed her, especially yogurt, apple sauce, plums, sweet potatoes and mac and cheese.

Sophie is also getting good at drinking out of a sippy cup.

Sophie now weighs a whoppin' 15 lbs 3 oz. She went to the doctor earlier this week because she was running a fever. Sophie stayed home from daycare on Wednesday with me and with Grandma the rest of the week. She's feeling much better now and is back to being her bubbly, chirpy self.