Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Halloween Goodness

Sophie painted a pumpkin at daycare today for Halloween.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sophie's Birthday

Sophie was born on July 24, 2008 at 4:40am. She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 20 inches at birth. She was born at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

The nurses did a great job showing Mom and Dad how to take care of Sophie. Here is Sophie having her first bath in the sink. In the beginning, Sophie wasn't a big fan of baths. But now that she is a bit older, it is her favorite time of the day. She smiles and babbles during her baths.

This was the picture of Sophie that we emailed out to family and friends. Sophie, like most babies, spent the first 24 hours of her life sleeping.

Here is our first family picture, taken at the hospital.

Before Sophie

This picture was taken two months before Sophie arrived. Mom gained 35 lbs during her pregnancy.

We had three baby shower and all of them were fantastic. The first one was a surprise shower thrown by Mom's co-workers. The next one was at Jennie's house and the last one was in Bemidji at Mary's house. We received lots of fabulous gifts that we use every single day. Thank you!

Here is a picture of Sophie's room before she arrived. You can see that Mom did a lot of arranging and rearranging during her spare time :)

October Update

What have we been up to lately? Here's a quick rundown. Last weekend, we went to Red Wing for Christie's wedding. We had the opportunity to take a five generation picture. Sophie, Dad, Grandma Linda Hanson, Great Grandpa Blaine Erickson and Great Great Grandma Marjorie Erickson. Wow! It was also Sophie's first stay at a hotel.

On Friday night, Stephanie, Kyrsten and Richard came over for dinner. We got to meet baby Ava for the first time. She is only three weeks old and has a full head of brown hair. Sophie and Ava are close in age, so they'll get to be playmates at family events.

Mom carved the pumpkin today and took a picture of Sophie next to the Jack-O-Lantern. She also put together Sophie's high chair and tried it out. Sophie seemed to like it and will get to start eating rice cereal soon.

Sophie Laughing

Dad was playing with Sophie today and made her laugh hysterically! The video is kind of dark and grainy, but she is giggling pretty loud in it.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! This morning, Mom, Dad, Grandma and Sophie went to baby story time at the library. We read a few books and sang songs together. After a nap at home, Mom and Sophie met Grandma at Sophie's daycare for a Halloween party. Our friends Eric, Denise and Evan let us borrow a pumpkin outfit for Sophie to wear.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008