What have we been up to lately? Here's a quick rundown. Last weekend, we went to Red Wing for Christie's wedding. We had the opportunity to take a five generation picture. Sophie, Dad, Grandma Linda Hanson, Great Grandpa Blaine Erickson and Great Great Grandma Marjorie Erickson. Wow! It was also Sophie's first stay at a hotel.
On Friday night, Stephanie, Kyrsten and Richard came over for dinner. We got to meet baby Ava for the first time. She is only three weeks old and has a full head of brown hair. Sophie and Ava are close in age, so they'll get to be playmates at family events.
Mom carved the pumpkin today and took a picture of Sophie next to the Jack-O-Lantern. She also put together Sophie's high chair and tried it out. Sophie seemed to like it and will get to start eating rice cereal soon.
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