What have we been up to lately? Besides waiting for Spring to finally arrive, we've been going to fun places like Choo Choo Bob's train store and we just signed up for a family membership to the Minnesota Children's Museum in St. Paul. To celebrate Earth Day, Jack and I participated in the Great Cloth Diaper Change event. Camera crews were there and we saw a quick clip on KARE 11 and it was also aired on Fox 9. We had a fun time and Jack won a pair of BabyLegs, so that means he won't have to wear his big sister's pink ones. We had a scare, which resulted in an ER visit, but Jack is doing well and is back to his happy, smiley self.
We celebrated Easter with an egg hunt in our backyard. Sophie had a blast and ran around with her basket, collecting colorful plastic eggs. Then we went over to Grandma Linda's house for a delicious meal. This past weekend, Bryan and I took a road trip to Omaha for the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders meeting. We stayed with Britani and Adam and got to meet Cora for the very first time. She's a cutie! It was the first time that both of us have been away from the kids at the same time.
Our pictures that were taken to celebrate Jack's 1st birthday have arrived. Here are some of my favorites.