Sophie's been crawling all over the place, pulling up on furniture and toys, pushing her doll stroller around the living room and walking while holding our hands. She's been enjoying all of her new birthday toys (thank you!). Sophie enjoys her swimming lessons every weekend and we'll be starting around round of baby story time at the library again soon.
Here's a picture of Sophie with her Little People Farm Animal set.
One lovely afternoon, we went to Lake Calhoun for a stroll and some lunch. Zoe even got to come along! Usually we tell her that no dogs are allowed :(
When Sophie gets tired of jumping in her Jumperoo, she slumps over and takes a quick nap.
Sophie goes to bed each evening at about 6pm and wakes up around 6am. She enjoys eating two breakfasts and is now drinking whole milk. She takes 1-2 naps a day.
Coming up soon? The Minnesota State Fair starts in a couple of weeks! We'll be going out of town quite a bit in the next few months. Gotta enjoy the summer while it's still here!